Monday, December 17, 2007


How many times have we heard this dreadful word? The media awareness has harnessed much more than mere attention and we get to hear about racist remarks passed on the celebrities. Most of us squirm and support the so called oppressed shilpa shettys, bipasa basus etc and make a political scene out of the whole thing where a country's prime minister goes on air seeking apology.

Racism i define is a PILLAGE of human dignity. It is highly amusing how well we voice out in unity if a fellow Indian has been treated differently due to the place from which he hails from. Now when we go "Hai Hai" about the whole dementia we hardly measure our proximity of being more "non racist". In many ways each and everyone of us ARE Racists. Yes, I accuse everyone!!! So why do we need to be so disgruntled about shilpa's, bipasa's and the likes. The people who had passed a racist remark are just being loyal to the paradigm created by the very people who are now hoodwinked by various strata of global population. We all are loyal to many paradigms sanely or insanely, consiously or unconsiously, menacingly or non-menacingly. They start from something as discernable as:
  • Afro americans are violent
  • Asians are Yellow
  • Indians are lazy
  • Muslim guys are stubborn
  • Marwaries are extremely stingy
  • Lower Caste people can not conduct well infront of others
  • "Chennai Autowalas" are rude
  • Governement employees can never work etc.,

No body does anything about this. We are either too stupid to try and understand and conduct ourselves against such racist behaviour or we are plain loyal to the existing paradigms and we believe in it and stand by it all the time.

I was proud until recently that i was a non conformist when it comes to rasicm. This is because I was indifferent to caste creed, regionality etc, even when as children we were taught to be loyal to the existing prototypes. But i realized that my pride was beguiling and i am no less than a racist. I was entrusted to appoint a travel consultant for our company and when the vendor came alongwith a dedicated consultant to our office to introduce him to me I showed my displeasure almost instantly when i met him for the first time because he is a "srilankan". I was questioning his accent and was wondering if our admin ppl can follow and understand his accent as he is a srilankan.

I confirm today that I am a Racist and am disgusted about that fact !!!!

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Conversations with God

The usual routine on the weekends lead me to the video library. Trying to find either something new or something interesting I was rummaging through the collection set up in front of me. The usual suspense, drama, romance have been flashing in front of me and none caught my attention. And then I came across this movie titled "Conversations with God", the little brief at the back was intriguing enough for me to rent it.

I watched the dvd and now i wanna own it. Am an ardent fan of good film making and besides being highly inspiring movie it was well directed and Henry Czerny playing the lead protagonist has played it to the hilt.

Now coming to the message that is so inspiring yet am pretty sure people who are not depressed or facing low ebb in their life will not favor the message. Skepticism with a raised eyebrow will be often met when the topic is spirituality. Neale Welsch who authored the book "Conversations with God" had helped many hurting souls to heal with the oft relied spiritual sermons. When people see very little hope then they always remain more hopeful on the divine intervention. In a world where majority is represented by such people the book had to flourish.

The movie had peaked many a times when the extracts of the book were used with considerable generosity. I, for a while started wondering if I would have conversations with God. The best part of the movie according to me is at the beginning when the protagonist is addressing an audience and one lady asks him "If your God had one most important message for all of us to know, can you please put it in a paragraph and tell us". With a minor deliberation Neale replies "I have Five words actually -- You've got me all Wrong " and he walks off the stage. I believe that’s the single most powerful point in the movie which elucidates that conversation is not a dialogue with a third party, rather it’s within. "GOD IS IN EVERY ONE OF US and LOVE is the way to establish a dialogue with him", that’s the message so fetch it.

An attempt to love everyone and everything is worth if you ld get to inquest GOD and your purpose.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Speak No Good Speak Your Heart!!!

Not until recently i have realised that i am a loner. i had nothing much to do but work work work all week and the lone weekend will be spent sleeping, washing and daydreaming. Bahrain when beckoned me as an opportunity i took it up for the newer experience and more importantly the promising profile. I moved out and came to this alien land leaving all my friends back home - INDIA. Now 6 mths into this new assignment i wonder staring in the mirror if this is really worth.

I used to find so much of time to myself after work sometimes and then with nothing else to do i used to think. Thinking has turned out to be a dangeraous habit which lead me to very treacherous and yet unassuming land the "Q-Land", a land inhabited / infested by questions. these lil aborigine primates multiply at an alarming rate.

Now being in Q-Land is a nothing less than a survivor contest. I need Answers to fight the primates. Was desparate for my survival and here i am to seek answers! I speak my heart and i dont care if it is good or bad. and now you know what has prompted the title for my blog space.
As many, i will exploit this newage arena of expression for expressing what goes on in my mind.